Thursday, January 21, 2010

Heroes Don't Run

Adam’s dad died in Pearl Harbor. Adam is 17 years old and his mom doesn’t want him to join up. So he talks to his mom and her sad now again so he goes to his grandfathers and talks to him.
If you want to find out if he joins up read this book.

Friday, January 8, 2010

New Year Resolution's

My first goal is to go bass fishing more than 5 times this winter to fill up my freezer. It is time to have a fish fry. I will wake up at 6:00am on sat-day and go fishing for bass at a pond by Millar creek road and I will use live bate
The second goal I plan to accomplish is to make more money so I can by texting. Everyone has it besides me. I will take some of the money that I got for Christmas from my grandparents it was 40$ and 20$ is what I need to get texting so I can talk to my friends and family.
My third goal is to do better in school so I can play football. I will study two times a day before school and after school for an hour or more every day all year all school subjects. The time I will wake up to is 5:00am to 6:30am and after school I will study 3:05 to 4:30.